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Friday, July 15, 2011

Caylee Anthony A Poem In Her Memory Sweet Little Caylee Girl

Sweet Little Caylee Girl…A Poem

Words and music by Carol Lee Kosis

Sweet little Caylee girl,
Where have you gone?
Sweet little Caylee girl,
You've been gone too long.
Are you dancing with the angels
High up in the sky?
Can you look down and see us
With those beautiful pretty eyes?
We miss you so,
And wanted you to know,
We will never let you go,
In our hearts and our minds,
So rest, rest on,
Sweet little Caylee girl,
Precious is your name


Casey Anthony Gets Out Of Jail Sunday Read All About It HERE

Casey ANTHONY gets our of jail Sunday.  She is being sent a lot of money by people who love her and feel sorry for her.  How do you feel about Casey ANTHONY getting out of jail.  There is a book that was written in memory of Caylee ANTHONY and it is one of the best I have read,  I encourage you to read this book that was written in Csylee's honor and portrays a jurors view of the EVIDENCE, WITNESSES, CHARACTERS AND MUCH MORE.  This book included the summations for both the defense by JOSE BAEZ and the prosecution by JEFF ASHTON.  Get your copy today and be thrilled by this COURTROOM DRAMA.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Casey Anthony Caylee Anthony Read All About Them HERE

Casey Anthony and Caylee Anthony What Really Happened? Crazy Conspiracy Theories From Around The WorldCasey Anthony and Caylee Anthony What Really Happened? Crazy Conspiracy Theories From Around The World
The Case Against Casey Anthony Crucial Questions The World Wants AnsweredThe Case Against Casey Anthony Crucial Questions The World Wants Answered
Casey Anthony NOT GUILTY! Why the Jury Found Casey Anthony Not Guilty Shocking Daily Trial Events RevisitedCasey Anthony NOT GUILTY! Why the Jury Found Casey Anthony Not Guilty Shocking Daily Tri

Casey Anthony Caylee Anthony Sweet Precious Baby Girl From A Juror's Point of View

Casey Anthony Caylee Anthony Sweet Precious Baby Girl From A Juror's Point Of View is available on Kindle or you can download it to your computer with Amazon's FREE Kindle application for PC.

In Memory Of Caylee 

ANTHONY Sweet Precious       CLICK HERE                                             Baby Girl

Sweet Little Caylee Girl…A Poem

Sweet little Caylee girl,
Where have you gone?
Sweet little Caylee girl,
You've been gone too long.
Are you dancing with the angels
High up in the sky?
Can you look down and see us
With those beautiful brown eyes?
We miss you so,
And wanted you to know,
We will never let you go,
In our hearts and our minds,
So rest, rest on,
Sweet little Caylee girl,
Precious is your name

Casey Anthony Caylee Anthony Sweet Precious Baby Girl From A Juror's Point Of View was written in honor of the memory of a sweet precious baby girl who went missing on June 16, 2008. It seemed she had vanished into thin air quickly and suddenly. Her sweet precious name was Caylee Marie Anthony.

Caylee was a sweet beautiful little girl with shimmering brown hair and sparkling brown eyes that would light up the corner of anyone's world who came in contact with her. She was living the life of a happy, healthy and normal little girl, or so it seemed to everyone who knew her. What deep dark horrible secrets could have been lurking behind those beautiful big sparkling brown eyes? Was all well, as it seemed? Evidently not.

Casey Anthony Caylee Anthony Sweet Precious Baby Girl From A Juror's Point Of View is going to take you on a journey from a juror's front seat and point of view. You are going to be able to view all of the evidence in the Casey Anthony trial, be introduced to all the witnesses, meet the jurors, meet the judge, meet the lawyers, and learn all about the characters in this scene of tragedy.

Sitting in a juror's seat you might be able, by going over all the evidence in the murder trial of Casey Anthony, to find out the one question everyone has on their minds today: Who Killed Caylee Anthony? You can judge for yourself if the evidence points to the killer of Caylee Anthony.

In this book, Casey Anthony Caylee Anthony Sweet Precious Baby Girl From A Juror's Point Of View, you might be able to find out what Casey Anthony was doing for the 31 days Caylee Anthony was missing and what on earth made her do and say the things she said.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Casey Anthony NOT GUILTY Prosecutions Side Of The Trial

Casey Anthony NOT GUILTY! Why The Jury Found Casey Anthony Not Guilty Shocking Daily Trial Events Revisited by Scott Burgner: NOOK Book Cover  READ MORE....

Casey Anthony is pronounced not guilty! Follow me into the prosecution’s case day by day so we can figure out why the jury found Casey Anthony not guilty. We will delve into this fascinating trial as it takes us on a wild ride. I offer this book as a tribute to little Caylee Anthony, may she rest in peace.

Casey Anthony Sentenced The Maximum Sentence For Lying

Casey Anthony Sentenced The Maximum Sentence For Lying

Casey Anthony will be in jail six more days.  She was sentenced the maximum sentenced the law allowed for lying; Gee! To bad they can't get all the heads of our government some time for lying to all the time.  I guess they have too much money and too much clout to ever be sentenced for lying, but this poor girl with no money has been given the highest sentence the judge could have imposed on her for lying; can you believe it???  However, she was given credit (1,043 days) for time served and good behavior.  She has been well behaved in jail??

Casey had spent time in jail since Oct. 2008 for the false accusations of killing her daughter.  I hope she can sue the hang out of the system that kept her in jail for all that time for nothing!!!!!

She is supposed to be released on Wednesday of next week.  With the whole country out there crying for blood, Casey Anthony's blood, and especially the news media that convicted her every day of her arrest time, it seems there is an old fashion witch hunt to burn Casey Anthony to the stake and the news media nor the American people want to abide by our justice system anymore.  These vigilante groups should not be ALLOWED!!!!  This is not the American way.  Are we no longer Americans????  Are we going to be allowed to re-sentence people after they have had their day in court???

What does this blood curdling excuse for news that we are hearing on our news shows daily tell the rest of the world about our justice system????  That we are just supposed to put our American citizens up against the wall and shoot them before they have a trial by their peers????  I would think the news media would know the rules of our American justice system but evidently THEY DON’T'!!!!!

Don't the realize that Casey Anthony spent over 3 years of her young life in jail for something she didn't do?????

Don't they know that when you are acquitted that means NOT GUILTY?????

The news media thinks it is a crime to wear your hair down and put on some make up.  How many hours do you think they stand in front of a mirror getting their hair, faces and bodies all decked out to be on air?????

 Wow!!! She even wore a pretty blue top!!!! Can you believe that????  AND she was smiling.  I have heard comments that they just couldn't take a smiling Casey Anthony while her daughter was dead!!!  Have you ever been locked up in a prison for 3 years???  How do you think you would feel if you were going to get out?????

What do you think we should do with our citizens who have gone through the justice system and been found NOT GUILTY.  Should we have just put them up against the wall and shoot them before they had their day in court????  This is how some people are acting.

Remember this blog is to honor the memory of Caylee Anthony.
Rest in Jesus Sweet Little Girl
Forever and a Day

What do you think other nations around the world must be thinking about our news media and citizen and their condemnation of our justice system????

Jeff Ashton, one of the most aggressive prosecutors I have ever watched was not in attendance for the hearing.  He has announced he is retiring.  He did a tremendous job and should be promoted even though he lost.  He almost had me convinced that Casey Anthony killed Caylee Anthony, but the proof just wasn't there.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Casey Anthony NOT GUILTY What Do You Think?

Casey Anthony NOT GUILTY What Do You Think?

The whole world held their breath as the verdict was read just a few minutes ago in Judge Perry's courtroom.  The news medium who had convicted Casey Anthony every day while she was on trial were just dumbfounded.  In the words of one of the news caster, He said his jaw just dropped when they read the verdict.  He could not believe his ears!!!! What do you think?  Do you think justice has been done in this case and has Caylee Anthony's memory been tainted for ever or was Casey really innocent of the charges???
Read these books on this blog and you they will help you to make your own decision on this case.  And let's remember this blog is in honor of Caylee Anthony.  Please send flowers and your love here.
God bless you little girl rest in Jesus forever.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Case Against Casey Anthony Crucial Questions The World Wants Answered

The Case Against Casey Anthony Crucial Questions The World Wants AnsweredThe Case Against Casey Anthony Crucial Questions The World Wants AnsweredThe Case Against Casey Anthony Crucial Questions The World Wants AnsweredThe Case Against Casey Anthony Crucial Questions The World Wants Answered

The Case Against Casey Anthony Crucial Questions The World Wants Answered is available on Kindle or you can download it to your computer with Amazon's FREE Kindle application for PC.

The Case Against Casey Anthony is fascinating! Everybody wants to know the truth but I fear we will never truly know what really happened to poor little Caylee Anthony. Even if Casey stood up in court and cried, “Enough of this circus! I did it!” We couldn’t really believe her, could we? As the murder trial continues day after day, the case takes us on a wild ride of ups and downs, twists and turns. I am captivated! It seems that Caylee was so loved, so how did she end up thrown like trash into the woods? It simply does not make sense! I can’t wrap my mind around it, can you?

Tragedy has fallen upon this seemingly normal, successful American family and we all want answers. Follow me into this dark world as I ask all the crucial questions about the Casey Anthony Case the world wants answered!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Casey Anthony and Caylee Anthony What Really Happened?

Casey Anthony and Caylee Anthony What Really Happened? Crazy Conspiracy Theories From Around The WorldCasey Anthony and Caylee Anthony What Really Happened? Crazy Conspiracy Theories From Around The World

Product Description

Casey Anthony and Caylee Anthony What Really Happened? Crazy Conspiracy Theories From Around The World is available on Kindle or you can download it to your computer with Amazon's FREE Kindle application for PC.

The world has fallen in love with the shining spirit of a little girl from Orlando, Florida that died a tragic death. This girl’s name is Caylee Marie Anthony. Caylee’s mother, Casey Anthony, didn’t report her child missing until 31 days after Caylee’s disappearance; and only when she was forced to by Cindy Anthony (Casey’s Mother and Caylee’s Grandmother).

Casey Anthony takes the police, her family and the entire world on a wild goose chase with even wilder stories! Casey states that Zanny The Nanny kidnapped Caylee and Casey had been searching for Caylee on her own. Come to find out, there is no Zanny The Nanny and Casey has been gaily partying since her daughter’s disappearance!

As the truth comes to light about Casey’s lifestyle, her lies and her manipulations; we are astonished, flabbergasted and captivated by this story.

Follow me into this dark world as I offer crazy (and not so crazy) conspiracy theories about what really might have happened to Caylee Marie Anthony!

An Example:

Crazy Conspiracy Theory #1
The Alleged Suspect: Casey Anthony
The Method: Strangulation With Duct Tape
The Theory:
Casey hates everybody and everything. She hates her mom, Cindy, because she is so controlling and thinks Casey is a terrible mom. Casey worries that Cindy will push the issue and take Caylee away from her. Casey will never let that happen! Casey hates her dad, George, he’s such a wimp and loves Caylee much more than he ever loved Casey. Casey hates her brother, Lee, he leers at her in such a creepy way all the time! Casey hates her boyfriend, Tony, he’s such a loser and a cheater to boot! Casey hates her best friend, Amy, she’s so ugly and is always flirting with Tony! But most of all, Casey hates Caylee, she’s such a whiny, crying baby. She always needs so much; food, attention, clothes, toys, love and child care. Casey hates Caylee with all her heart! Caylee is such a crimp in Casey’s party lifestyle! Everybody loves Caylee, nobody loves Casey. Casey is expected to hold a job, pay bills, get along with others and care for all of Caylee’s needs. Nobody ever expects anything from Caylee! Everybody loves Caylee no matter what!

What’s a girl to do? Casey hatches an evil plan. She’s so cute and personable, she thinks no one would ever suspect her! Casey wants to kill everybody close to her. She wants to kill her mom, Cindy. She wants to kill her dad, George. She wants to kill Lee, her brother. She wants to kill Tony, her boyfriend. She wants to kill Amy, her best friend. But most of all, she wants to kill that snotty-nosed kid, Caylee, her bratty daughter! Omg! If her plan works, she will be sitting pretty. She will get the house, she will get the life insurance money, she will be free to live life on her terms with no more lies! She can start over with a new family, a new boyfriend and a new best friend! Life will be great, life will be wonderful!

“Okay,” Casey thinks to herself. “This is gonna be hard, this is gonna be very hard!” But Casey knows that life can be hard. Lord knows hers has been! What to do? What to do?

Casey starts a “To Do” List.

Step #1
Caylee will be the easiest to kill. She goes first. Figure out how to make chloroform. Search the internet.

Step #2
Mommy, Daddy and Lee. A fire would be great, but there goes my house. Yay! I’m gonna have my own house! Hmmm…. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning! Yes, simple! Wait till everybody’s asleep and fill the house with carbon monoxide. Maybe the night of Caylee’s funeral. Perfect!

Step #3
Tony and Amy. Note: wait at least a year. Regroup my thoughts then.

Casey kills Caylee but gets caught before she has the chance to kill anybody else.

In Memory Of Caylee Anthony

In Memory Of Caylee Anthony

A Little girl is dead.  Come now let us mourn the life of a little girl who never got the chance to grow up and have her own little girl. 
May you rest in God's Heavenly Arms and chase the butterflies through the clouds forever and a day.
God bless you and all who mourn for you forever and a day.